Archive | January 2011

Angry birds

Well, the most downloaded paid for app of 2010 has gone old skool. Yes, it’s an Angry Birds board game brought to you by Mattel…

The cards seem unduly complex.

The brutal simplicity of the swipe and smash iPhone app doesn’t quite come across here, but I’m sure legions of children (and kidults), will enjoy building and tearing down the monster holding structure…

Iain G. Morrison is a senior marketer in the British Tourism Industry. And suffers a mild addiction to Angry Birds…

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Two Jags / Jabs Prescot and the haggler

When you aren’t running the country (Well, I say that. It’s the Deputy Prime Minister. We all know it’s a meaningless post, but we can keep up the pretence for a certain someone’s sake), what’s else is there to do but cash in on your new-found ‘celebrity’.

Meerkats, opera singers, a very confused cartoon (with a recent brand extension into dating?), and the good old haggler carry on fighting it out for our hearts and minds in the 2011  insurance price comparison battleground.

With sly references to his ‘Two Jags’ nickname of old and the brilliant piece of general election campaigning that was punching a voter in the face whilst in front of numerous TV cameras, this execution is clearly aimed at the thinking men and women of the price comparison world.

Surely one of the best use of British celebs* we’ll see in 2011…

Nice work MCBD, keep it up…

Iain G. Morrison is a senior marketer in the British Tourism Industry. And would remind you all never to argue with men from Hull that know how to box…

* term used in its loosest sense

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KLM Surprise…

So, Spanair eased the painful wait on luggage at the end of the journey. And KLM hit the nail on the head with their random acts of kindness at another travel pressure point.

The loooooong wait in the departure lounge.

This video’s a tad lengthy, but it’s great to see a little of the behind the scenes effort, showcasing how the social team worked with the ground staff.

Nicely joined up effort and some very smilely passengers as a result.

Much more individual than the euphoric Spanair group effort, but it showcases how personal data can be used to maximum effect without feeling too big brothery. Good effort KLM, keep up the good work…

Iain G. Morrison is a senior marketer in the British Tourism Industry. And is ready for some random acts of kindness to come my way. Pretty please?

P.S. Sure it’s a coincidence many of the travellers late on were off to a social media conference. Those KLM’ers are a canny bunch…

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Random acts of kindness… Spanair style

So, random acts of kindness? Tipped to be one of the top marketing trends for savvy marketers looking to generate some positive word of mouth about their brands in 2011.

It was somewhat heartwarming to see the sultry Spanish Senors & Señoritas over at Spanair get in on the act at the most festive time of year…

The eternal, sleepy painful wait for luggage by the conveyor belt has to be one of the hardest parts of any journey, short or long. Great work Spanair for giving weary travellers on their way home to see Santa a much needed boost…

Iain G. Morrison is a senior marketer in the British Tourism Industry. And was obviously a very, very good boy this year judging by what Santa left me…

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