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Madonna vs. Gaga

Time for a little musical frippery, courtesy of CharlieHidesTV.

Favourite line: ‘My name is Madonna and I’ve not been relevant in five years’…

Pre-packaged pop is the musical equivalent to junk food. Often fills, rarely satiates. I’d rather have me an Adele / Winehouse sandwich…

Iain G. Morrison is the head of marketing for leisure’s most succesful social enterprise. And if he were a betting man, I’d have a fiver on Madonna being gutted Gaga came along before she had a chance to launch Lourdes…

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It’s only ruddy back…

Take the apprentice. Add lego. Select the best one liners, and hey presto…

Iain G. Morrison tweets like a banshee during The Apprentice. @igmorrison is the place to follow those rantings…

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Hand job sir?

Got that Monday feeling?

I’m rather afraid I don’t (as I started my rather exciting new role today), but for those of you that do and would like a hand job to alleviate your Monday woes, boy oh boy, did you come to the right place…

Iain G. Morrison is a senior marketer in the London’s most successful social enterprise. And is not working in the worlds oldest profession offering hand jobs, contrary to what this post may imply…

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Cockney rhyming slang?

Now, James Blunt.

The old joke goes, that contrary to popular belief, that his name IS cockney rhyming slang. I’m not sure many would be brave enough to say the same about Jeremy Hunt, the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport.

If you are wondering why the Culture Secretary is trending on Twitter this morning, his appearence on Radio 4 might have something to do with it.

James Naughtie indeed…

Iain G. Morrison is a senior marketer in the British Tourism Industry. And would like to remind you all to be very careful with your cockernee rhyming slang…

UPDATE: ‘It’s very hard to talk about it, without saying it’, says Andrew Marr. After repeating the Naughtie remark that his colleague made earlier in the day…

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Happy Halloween…

Well, Happy Halloween readers. This little video shows a slightly different take on the age-old tradition of bobbing for apples. The real amusement starts about 2min 22secs in, as Celebrity Juice host Keith Lemon and Jedward go bobbing for potatoes.

I’m not sure what’s scarier.

The thought of prolonged exposure to Jedward, or the fact they (allegedly) bought some of Michael Jackson’s used bed sheets for a soiled-tastic £20,000.

Nightmares all round and not a witch in sight…

Iain G. Morrison is a senior marketer in the British Tourism Industry. And can’t find the right sort of newts on eBay…

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Welsh Wales…

Give us their Newport (not New York), state of mind…

Not sure this came the tourist board, but who cares. It’s a perfect slice of Friday afternoon joy. I think the China / twinning line be my favourite. What’s yours?

Iain G. Morrison is a senior marketer in the British Tourism Industry. And is loving the Welsh…

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Coldplay get a camp makeover…

Stand down lawyers. No slurs as to the sexuality of any band members are being made here…

The BBC Glastonbury coverage was fabulous as always. Why mix with the great unwashed and deal with portaloos when you can sit in the comfort of your own home and watch Glasto in luxurious surroundings?!

Needless to say, The Pet Shop Boys Coldplay cover of ‘Viva la Vida’ was rather amusing.

Regal. Camp. Priceless. Why it can only be Coldplay Pet Shop style…

Iain G. Morrison is a senior marketer in the British Tourism Industry. And clearly an ardent festival goer…

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What time is it?

Don’t ask why. Just sit back and enjoy.

Hammer time. Before he found the Lord.


Iain G. Morrison is a senior marketer in the British Tourism Industry. And is considering investing in some gold lame baggy pantaloons…

P.S. I just watched last weeks episode of Glee on catch up. I didn’t realise the Glee kids paid homage to the Great M.C. of Hammer, down to their gold lame baggy pantaloons. Gleeks, I salute thee…

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THAT’S how Su sees it…

Glee is genius – trash TV everyone can watch.

I commissioned a pitch for a youth campaign recently. One enterprising agency ran some focus groups and during the process, glee came up. I was truly astonished how many teenage boys grudgingly admitted to watching it (but only after the girls waxed lyrical of course, that’d be ‘gay’ otherwise), and how much love there was in the room for our American ‘teenage’ singing and dancing chums.

In my humble, it’s only ever at it’s best when one of two levers are being pulled furiously:

  • Demented ‘teens’ singing their little lungs out
  • The evil twisted genius of Su Sylvester on her missions of destruction

So, from one old hag to another, this is one for the gleeks.

Having just launced on Fox in the US, the new episode sees evil Su do a very faithful homage to Madonna’s Vogue. Thanks to Perez Hilton (as I couldn’t ruddy find it on Youtube), and roll on April 19th when glee returns to our UK tellybox on E4.

Iain G. Morrison is a senior marketer in the British Tourism Industry and is predicting multiple gleegasms will sweep the nation again post April 19th…

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