Archive | November 2009

How to get six million views on youtube in a week…

Even Gordon Ramsey (or Chef) couldn’t cook up a dish this fine. Ingredients?

Take one Queen Classic (Bohemian Rhapsody)+ a handful of Henson’s finest + a rather nice video = an instant viral hit…

Special mention goes out to Miss Piggy, for her admirably honest closing of the number. Damn she’s ageing well. Doesn’t look a day older than I remember her in the early 80’s…

Iain G. Morrison is an ardent muppets fan first and foremost. And a senior marketer in the British Tourism Industry second…

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The taxi you have been waiting for…

Will they leave the streets of London...?No, I’m not referring to  the world-famous London black cab (whose drivers I appreciate the more I travel!).

This isn’t about the famous Hackney Carriage that offers Londoners the swiftest way from A to B with juicy pearls of cabby related wisdom along the way.  This new-fangled modern one has no driver…

Driverless taxis (guided by lasers / sensors) will soon ferry passengers from the business car park at Heathrow airport, over to Terminal 5. No inane chatter, just a quick driverless ride from car park to terminal in just over five minutes.

It’s great to see further innovation from Heathrow in the run up to 2012. Certainly brings those Blade Runner-esque cars of the future a little closer. To see them in action, watch the short video on the BBC news website…

Iain G. Morrison is a senior marketer in the British Tourism Industry. And although a self-proclaimed petrol head, loves the look of these cabby free carriages…

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If any homebuilders are reading…

… and would like to do something similar where I could win a house for free, please do give me a heads up!

Nice simple stuff from Ikea.

More and more brands are finding ways to connect with audiences in the social space as their confidence (and internal skill-sets grow). Expect to see much more of this sort of work in 2010…

Iain Morrison is house hunting. And HATES estate agents…

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Handbag dogs. In a whisky ad?

Given British TV is littered with Z-list slebs at the moment in various reality TV shows, this Famous Grouse TV spot couldn’t be launched at a more appropriate time in my book.

Short, pithy and mildly humorous, it says what it needs to about our vapid celeb obsessed culture (with whisky loving tongue firmly implanted in cheek).

I can’t see it causing Meerkat style outpourings of love on Facebook (be interesting to see what if anything they do in the social space), but it’s a perfectly respectable TV spot none the less…

Iain G. Morrison is a senior marketer in the British Tourism Industry. And despite being Scottish, isn’t the biggest whisky fan…

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Magic and sparkle…

With woolies gone, M&S Christmas ads have been the ‘benchmark’ for retailers over the past few years. This years effort looks as though it was shot on a camcorder in Canary Wharf.

Whilst I appreciate times are tough, never before has the nation needed a little ‘Magic and sparkle’ at Christmas time (seems there’s more than me that hates them, have a chuckle at this write up).

In my humble opinion, that crown will go to John Lewis this year. Not a celeb in sight. Just a beautifully crafted ad that tugs ever so gently on the heart-strings.

The cover of Guns n’Roses ‘Sweet Child of Mine’ would surely bring a tear to even Slashs’ eye with those happy Christmas kiddies. Well done John Lewis.

Shifting the account to Adam and Eve looks like a wise move (even if the outdoor work could do with some revisions).

Iain Morrison is a senior marketer in the British Tourism Industry. And is starting to think about christmas shopping…

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Jedward reach dizzier heights…

Having been seconded to Asia, the summer reality TV (Apprentice, X-Factor, Sheep Idol, Shag Island, I’m a non-entity get me out of here etc), have largely passed me by.

Jedward (love them or hate them, I feel remarkably indifferent having not watched this series of X-Factor), really seem to be milking their 15 minutes. Kudos to the comms team at Labour HQ (and the Saatchi boys) for running this over the weekend…

Iain G. Morrison is a senior Marketer in the British Tourism Industry. And thinks Simon Cowell will be grinning all the way to the bank this Christmas…

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Mickey Mouse 2.0

Y'all want me mean, or cute?

Well, the times they are a changing.

And you get a sense of just how much, when the cornerstone of Disney (and general bastion of gawd bless Ameria), is getting a makeover.

And not just any makeover, nay. Disney are giving Mickey Mouse the 2.0 treatment. As his popularity is in decline (not terminal, but they are noticing the till receipts via sponsorship slip), Mickey is being toughened up.

Mickey aficionados will tell you in his first couple of outings, he was a mean mouse. He even forced Minnie to kiss him (hardly manga brutality, but still). But those canny kids at Disney aren’t butchering him on the Disney channel for all to see.

Oh no.

They are testing meaner Mickey via a video game. Quite sensible you could argue, and certainly a smarter way to connect with the kids they want to reach who might be giving their more traditional routes to market something of a wide berth…

Given the fanfare surrounding a certain war games release (bigger than the opening weekend of Harry Potter etc), perhaps this Mickey makeover will be the first of many…

Iain is a senior marketer in the British Tourism Industry. And can’t wait to face a meaner Mickey…

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