Archive | November 2010

Facebook: Making breaking up easier to do…

So. Breaking up is hard to do? Not according to this lovely little graphic doing the rounds, courtesy of the very visual David  McCandless.

Dump me...

Dump me...

We all know there are insights lurking around, buried somewhere amongst the mounds of data we stockpile. But sometimes, ‘visualising’ them can really drive the point home (something that will obviously be little comfort the next time you get dumped by your heartless former beloved  just before Santa is due his visit).

So for any potential lady or gentleman dumper out there thinking the nights are drawing in and it really is time to lose the baggage. Please, do your best to remember. Two weeks before Christmas is ok.

But during the Christmas holidays is just ‘too cruel’…

Iain G. Morrison is a senior marketer in the British Tourism Industry. And Is wondering if this little infographic was sponsored by Kleenex. Helping the dumped the world over.

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